What authentication system does MAF use?

Cobalt/WAF uses OnePass as its password authentication system. What does MAF use? Does it use OnePass?

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  • Unknown
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    MAF uses 2 different authentications systems: 1. Prism directly. Several users sign into a product with their prism username/password. 2. OnePass Several MAF products are new, so they started with OnePass, others are older, and have started, or about to start migrating their users to OnePass. For the MAF products in OnePass, the registration key format is different than WLN. It is *:*. We use the colon as a separator since for the MAF products, the users could have changed the prism username and password, and the colon is the only character that prism doesn't allow in username.


  • As a follow up, do all products on MAF use the same authentication system, or do different products use different systems?
  • Basically MAF use PRISM and OnePass, the last one was implemented for first time in the middle of the last year and the idea is that all MAF application migrate to this kind of authentication as Dataroom is requiring this to be used. Getting back on PRISM authentication, MAF use Usr/pass, IP and usr/pass with IP.