Seemless signon between Cobalt and MAF?

Are there existing configurations that do seamless signons between Cobalt products and MAF products? If so, what mechanisms do they use to accomplish this?

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  • Unknown
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    This depends on the MAF products. Those that use OnePass support (or are supposed to support) transfer tokens, as they are all using COSI. Otherwise there isn't a consistent way of doing this. That is the reason that they are switching to OnePass, is to provide the interoperability they need for a project called "Global Gateway." This is a landing page that allows users to run queries on all the products they have access to (i.e. WLUK, WL Malaysia, WL Hong Kong), and see a single page with the results. And then allow them to seamlessly link into the product that has the result they want to see. WLN does have some support for MAF products making a service call using a Prism SSO token, but it is limited, and not secure. It would not be encouraged to use that to link into any OnePass products, as that can compromise security.


  • Just a note about why WLUK is moving to OnePass. As well as providing a secure login mechanism the principle driver is to enable access to cobalt services such as dataroom. As far as I am aware the Global Gateway as described is no longer in the pipeline - we're looking at other mechanisms to enable sharing of content between Maf products.