Status (active-inactive) of a company


I'm having trouble in finding the most suitable field for the need I have. I'm looking for the historical status (active-inactive) of a company. For my needs I could use both a daily feed (i.e. retrive the information for all the days in a range) or a "date of change" information (i.e. the list of all the dates when the status was updated in a range).

At the moment I'm using the get_data api and the field "TR.OrganizationStatusCode". This field however does not appear to have any historical reference since no parameters for a time serie is available in the documentation. Indeed the answer I get from the server for a timeframe is a "spot" answer, disregarding the range.

fields = [ek.TR_Field('TR.OrganizationStatusCode'),ek.TR_Field('TR.OrganizationStatusCode.fielddescription')]
params = {"SDate":"2014-12-27","EDate":"2017-04-01","FRQ":"D"}
req = ek.get_data(['AAPL.O'],fields,params)

Instrument |Organization Status Code| Description
AAPL.O | Act|Indicates whether the organization is Active o...

Does anyone knows a field which suits my needs?

Thanks in advance for your help

Best Answer

  • I suggest that you should try and build this functionality out in an Excel spreadsheet with the help of your local Thomson Reuters support desk, as this content question is too specific for this forum.

    TR.OrganizationStatusCode is indeed a flag. If you want to get some temporal data, have a look at Corporate Actions for 'Delisted' events, etc.
