Why two Login responses for successful login

Hi I am using RFA to login and get market data.

In noticed that on login I get two login response messages

One with MsgType.REFRESH_RESP another with MsgType.STATUS_RESP

Both of these messages has "Login Accepted"

Why am I receiving another login successful message with message type as STATUS_RESP

Should I expect and handle abrupt login replies further on same stream?

Best Answer

  • Hello @ramesh.jitkar

    What you see is from the Login Refactoring feature since RFA 7.0. Instead of receiving multiple login response messages per connection or service state change that provided mostly redundant information, the application will immediately get one Refresh response message with a stream state of OPEN and a data state of SUSPECT created by RFA as shown below:

    Msg Type: MsgType.REFRESH_RESP
    Msg Model Type: LOGIN
    Indication Flags: REFRESH_COMPLETE
    State: OPEN, SUSPECT, NONE, "All connections pending"
    Group: 0000
    RespTypeNum: 0 (RespType.SOLICITED)
    Name: pimchaya
    NameType: 1 (USER_NAME)
    ELEMENT_ENTRY ApplicationId: 256
    ELEMENT_ENTRY Position: ELEMENT_ENTRY AllowSuspectData: 1
    ELEMENT_ENTRY SingleOpen: 1
    ELEMENT_ENTRY SupportBatchRequests: 7
    ELEMENT_ENTRY SupportOptimizedPauseResume: 1
    ELEMENT_ENTRY SupportPauseResume: 1
    ELEMENT_ENTRY SupportViewRequests: 1
    ELEMENT_ENTRY SupportEnhancedSymbolList: 1
    ELEMENT_ENTRY SupportOMMPost: 1Payload: None

    When the login status has been changed later e.g. the server send a successful login response(a stream state of OPEN and a data state of OK) to RFA, RFA transforms this message as a Status message and send to the application. For example:

    Msg Type: MsgType.STATUS_RESP
    Msg Model Type: LOGIN
    Indication Flags:
    State: OPEN, OK, NONE, "Login accepted by host flix."
    Name: pimchaya
    NameType: 1 (USER_NAME)
    ELEMENT_ENTRY ApplicationId: 256
    ELEMENT_ENTRY ApplicationName: ADS
    ELEMENT_ENTRY Position:
    ELEMENT_ENTRY ProvidePermissionExpressions: 1 ELEMENT_ENTRY ProvidePermissionProfile: 0 ELEMENT_ENTRY AllowSuspectData: 1
    ELEMENT_ENTRY SingleOpen: 1
    ELEMENT_ENTRY SupportBatchRequests: 7
    ELEMENT_ENTRY SupportOptimizedPauseResume: 1 ELEMENT_ENTRY SupportPauseResume: 1 ELEMENT_ENTRY SupportViewRequests: 1 ELEMENT_ENTRY SupportEnhancedSymbolList: 1 ELEMENT_ENTRY SupportOMMPost: 1
    Payload: None

    That's why your application gets 2 login response messages.

    Therefore, to verify if the application logs in to the server successfully, the application should wait for a Status message on the Login stream that has a stream state of OPEN and a data state of OK before sending the item requests as the snipped example source code below:

     if ((respMsg.getMsgType() == OMMMsg.MsgType.STATUS_RESP) && 
    (respMsg.getState().getStreamState() == OMMState.Stream.OPEN) &&
    (respMsg.getState().getDataState() == OMMState.Data.OK))
    System.out.println(_className + ": Received Login OK Response");
    //successfully login so send item request


    For the complete source code, please refer to the Tutorial 6 - RDM; Login and event registration

    Please refer to API Migration from ,<RFA Package>\Docs\WebDocs\index.html, at section

    From 6.5.0 to 7.0.0 or later which explains more details about this feature:
