How can I get the firm id for a user?

Suppose I have the OnePass username or the Prism guid for a user. How can I find out what their firm id is?

Best Answer


  • UDS exposes a JMX endpoint in which you can provide user guid to retrieve their firm id. The JMX endpoint is called "**retrieveFirmsForUser**" under the **firmIdJmxBean**. You can find a UDS instance by going to either WLN or Shared CMDB -> Servers -> selecting an UDS instance. If you are working with a shared product, you will want to go to one of the shared UDS instance for that product. I don't know if CM/AMS publishes the username/password for the server management ports so I will refrain from posting it out here. :) The second and less effective way is to initiate a session and then inspecting the "Cobalt.Website.Session.Start" event through "Crazy Train" which will also have the firm id listed. The pre-requisite in this case of course is that you are able to either find a previously initiated session or are able to initiate a new session.
  • If the "firmID" here means the customer storage key in DataRoom, you can obtain it via a 2-step process: 1. POST {"UserSecurityRequest":{"sourceDomainUserId":"prism guid","sourceDomain":"the source domain, for example, COBALT, ORION...", "requestedDomain":"DATAROOM", "date":"2012-12-28T08:28:08.910-06:00"}} Save the value of "requestedDomainUserId" in the response for the next step. 2. POST {"TotalUserStorageSizeRequest":{"userId":"the value of requestedDomainUserId","domain":"DATAROOM","date":"2012-12-28T08:28:08.910-06:00"}} The value of "storageKey" in the response is the customer storage key.
  • [SessionInfo][1] actually lists the firm id. Log in, then find your session and ctrl+F "FirmId". [1]: "SessionInfo"