Reducing time spent waiting for IvyDE

I switch between modules (and Eclipse workspaces) a lot. Whenever I come back to a workspace after being away for a while, I have to do an IvyDE "Resolve" before doing a build or I get unresolved dependency errors. This often takes five to ten minutes, or more. This is a big momentum killer for me. Does this affect anyone else? How do you deal with it? I haven't heard others complaining about it, so I can't help but wonder if I'm missing out on some config setting that will make it much faster. One thing that *has* helped a bit is to manually go "Offline" and then issue the resolve request. This option is a checkbox under Window -> Preferences -> Ivy. This eventually needs to be re-enabled when dependencies for the project actually change and it really needs to hit the Nexus repo to get the latest version(s), but it's still a time-saver on a short-term day-to-day basis.


  • I also experience long Ivy resolve times, but do not have a workaround to the problem.
  • In Eclipse console, navigate to "Ivy Console" and you can see the ivy output logs. This might provide some additional information on the delay.