EZD connection to a Z-Scaler Proxy

I have an issue with an EZD connection to a Z-Scaler Proxy. When I make the connection I get the following message:

"Channel initialization failed for socket 6 to host amers1.streaming-ec.cp.thomsonreuters.com error code -1. Text: <Impl/ripcsrvr.c:5978> Error: 1002 Could not read Proxy HTTP Ack received. System errno: (11) Text: HTTP/1.1 200 Connection Established^M Proxy-Agent: Zscaler/6.0^M"

The message above is similar in nature to a message shown in the appendix section of the EZD Install document(Document "EZDInstall_v12.pdf" Appendix A.2.1). That error message pertains to connecting to a proxy which uses a ".pac" file set up which forwards to another proxy. I was informed that this is not the case here, the Z-Scaler is the proxy. The message in the install guide stated the following:

"Channel initialization failed for socket 10 to host emea1.streaming-ec.cp.thomsonreuters.com error code -1. Text: <Impl/ripcsrvr.c:5949> Error: 1002 Could not read Proxy HTTP Ack received. System errno: (11) Text: HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request^M Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii^M Server: Microsoft-HTTPAPI/2.0^M"

In my connection issue I received a "HTTP/1.1 200 Connection Established" header back in the example in the guide it' receives a "Text: HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request^M". So I can not figure out what is going on here. Any ideas?

Best Answer

  • Hello @Nana,

    It's a big point that you had it configured and running on the same box via different proxy. Yes, it should have been a simple ezd.cnf update.

    Your ezd.cnf update looks good to me.

    Believe you are taking the right next step in verifying your connectivity with the networks team.

    One thing that i would try, to investigate, depending if you are permissioned to run telnet on your box is:

    telnet oldProxyHost oldProxyPort
    telnet newProxyHost newProxyPort

    And compare the results. This, if you are able to run, will verify for you the connectivity to the new proxy. Between the new proxy to amers will have to be verified by your network team.


  • Hello @Nana,

    I am assuming you have used Z-Scaler proxy for other access from behind the firewall, and were successful.

    Let's learn a bit more about your installation.

    No issues on installing EZD, no errors, installed successfully?

    Are you testing with rmdstestclient demo tool that was provided with your EZD?

    Is your EZD installation running on windows or on linux, and how are you specifying the proxy to use?

    In terms of being informed the proxy is not a ".pac". As you include the proxy information into your EZD configuration according to the installation guide instructions, therefore, you must know exactly what type of the proxy spec it is? You have the hostname or an IP address for the proxy, as well as the port, and not the name of a script ending in ".pac"?

    Let me just note, to be on the same page, we may be able to help via developers forum if the issue is purely with EZD configuration that includes the proxy; for proxy-specific issues the issue will have to be investigated by your network team in charge of the proxy.

  • Hello Zoya,

    Yes from the same machine the Z-Scaler proxy works fine for other data.

    1.) No issues installing it and from this location it actually ran normally using a bluecoat proxy which is being decommissioned.

    2.) No haven't tried the rmdstestclient demo since EZD already worked. I'll attempt to get that set up and test

    3.) It is running on Linux and the specification is set up in the ezd.cnf file like the following:
    *ezd*secureConnection*hostList : amers1.streaming-ec.cp.thomsonreuters.com, amers2.streaming-ec.cp.thomsonreuters.com
    *ezd*secureConnection*port : 443
    *ezd*secureConnection*proxyHostName :
    *ezd*secureConnection*proxyPort : 9400

    So that part is just straight forward specification of what proxy to use. In other programs I simply do things such as change the environment variable http_proxy and https_proxy to the proxy host and that works. For this like when the connection works on the legacy bluecoat proxy I simply state it like I do above with the old IP address and port and it works.

    I’m already starting up an inquiry with my networks to try and see if I can find more out. Let me know if anything looks like something you may have ran across before or have ideas on.

  • zoya.farberov

    I have two follow questions for the same topic.

    1.) Does anyone know if there has been a successful connection with the EZD via a Z-Scaler proxy?

    2.) Does the end connection expect a specific format? We are trying to find out if the Z-Scaler adds anything to the connection going out that may be problematic and causing the connection to fail.