Problems with Doc Display subscription

When I run a search from a particular Search Template of La Ley Online Uy, I get a Result List with their respective Documents. The problem is when I try to access to the Document Displays of them. I get a message like this "You do not have subscription to this document". I've debugged the RetrieveDocumentAction and I noticed that when the "isDocumentInPlan" method of the class "InPlanService" is called, It returns an instance of "InPlanDocumentResponse" without dataSources. so, the question is: why I have permission to search some documents but I don't have permission to access them? I've set my local environment pointing to Client and Prod Novus Environments, but It only has failed pointing to Client. I think this problem could be related to an implementation of Stemmer by CCI team in Client, because it's the only difference between Client and Prod Novus environments. Do you have any idea, about what could be the problem? This has happened to somebody before? Thank you!


  • When the InPlanService returns zero collsets, that might be for the following things: 1. The Doc GUID you are passing is duplicated in Novus (the only way to fix this is to delete the document and upload it again) 2. There is a CCI issue. The collset that belongs too has some CCI config issue. Check in Easel. 3. The collset or the collection that the document belongs too, is not part of the Coll Metadata that you have on the application (see app-config/appId/datasources or the definition of the DataSourceContainer in Spring configuration).