Where can I find documentation on how to setup a VM in our private cloud?

I'd like to setup a VM on our private cloud to trying out some ideas I have for a development tool. Where can I find out information about how to do this? How much does it cost? What information do I need before I can setup a VM?

Best Answer

  • There are two options available to you for virtualization within TR - the Private Cloud and the Dev Cloud. Information on the Private Cloud can be found at [
    https://thehub.thomsonreuters.com/docs/DOC-444699][1]. Primarily, it provides one the means to spin-up a VM on-the-fly and spin it down when complete with usage - very similar to Amazon EC2. At present, it is free to the end of year, as the Eagan Data Center is performing a POC. After that point, you will be charged for your usage. The Dev Cloud is an internal version of vCloud, a replacement from VMWare for their deprecated Lab Manager product. Similar to existing instances of Lab Manager within TR, one is required to purchase hardware to house their VM's. A breakdown of costs can be found at [
    https://thehub.thomsonreuters.com/docs/DOC-162248][2]. Carol Borchard's team in QED is currently determining the differences in cost. Initial word is that Dev Cloud will be cheaper per VM in the long run, but their analysis is still ongoing. [1]:
    https://thehub.thomsonreuters.com/docs/DOC-444699 [2]:


  • can you define "our private cloud"? The new one the Data Center offers? HP Developer Cloud virtualization?
  • I'm not clear what the different clouds are that we have available to us. Whichever one is cheapest :-)
  • Information on the private cloud is here:
    https://thehub.thomsonreuters.com/groups/privatecloud The Getting Started document is here:
    https://thehub.thomsonreuters.com/docs/DOC-183291 You will need to submit your justification for the project (ex: virtual machines needed for testing product X). One of the architects will need to approve your project. Cost is free in 2013. Estimated cost for one VM, always on, will be $1000/year in 2014. Our team has set up three VMs in the cloud. Note that you will need at least some knowledge of setting up machines and routing (ex: hosts file) in order to get the machine access to internal network resources. The only VM currently supported is Windows Server 2008. John
  • just fyi that the first link has a period at the end. If you delete it, the link works fine.
  • Fixed the first link.