Who has experience with data visualization technologies?

Is there someone who has worked on building visualizations of data before? Ex: heat maps, radar graphs, even plain old line charts. Or fancier stuff [like this][1]. I'm looking to ask someone's opinion of the feasibility of a small customer-facing project, but not sure who might have that sort of experience. [1]:


  • Dynamic Visualizatons If you want a quick high level overview of these things then Gary Berosik (R&D) has a wide appreciation of Viz sw frameworks and data dependencies. If you want someone who has been developing production Viz Apps for several years then there's Yurgis Baykshtis (IP&S). If you want to be introduced to some of the larger development platform groups with experience then I would go through either Mike Cuttone (Charting & Viz, F&R Eikon) or Esteban Souto (Eikon Design & Viz). Journalistic Visualizations (static) Reg Chua manages the Reuters Viz/Graphics group.
  • We needed some simple client-side bar charts for My Business Intelligence (Rattlesnake), and we ended-up choosing [NVD3][1], which provides an easier-to-use wrapper around D3.js. D3 can be awfully complex, and NVD3 hides some of that complexity. NVD3 is not terribly full-featured, but was acceptable for our uses. [1]: