Is ip address internal or external?

I have an ip address and I want to know if this is an externally accessible ip address (like customers can reach it) or if it's only an internally accessible ip address (TR internal network only). Examples:,,

Best Answer


  • Certain address blocks (including 10.* range) are internal-only blocks. See [this Wikipedia article][1]. Another approach would be to attempt a ping from an external network. [This website][2], for example, will let you enter an arbitrary ip and attempt to ping it. The inability to ping an ip doesn't necessarily mean it isn't accessible. The firewall could also be configured to block external pings. [1]: [2]:
  • Thanks, but I'm not sure I follow your idea. Zipper doesn't seem to clearly identify a vip as only internally accessible on the TR network. It does list one of the iRules on that vip (as you've pointed out) but that doesn't seem to help too much. For example, this vip has an "external" iRule too, but it is really only accessible on the internal TR network.
  • Highlight over the computer network symbol after searching a vip. Our external vip says PROD EXTERNAL VIPs. I checked your and it is not showing it as an external vip.