WLN Search vs Platform Search Spring config?


What, if any, is the relationship between WLNSearch's Spring config and CobaltPlatformSearch's Spring config? I see things (such as some result types) defined in both places, but I'm not sure which one would actually be used when deployed. Do WLNSearch Spring config files overwrite PlatformSearch's Spring config files when deployed? Or, are WLNSearch's Spring config files the only ones being used when WLNSearch is deployed? Hopefully that makes some sense :) Thanks!

Best Answer

  • Ryan Morlok
    Answer ✓
    The product-specific Spring configuration imports the platform spring configuration and then overrides bean definitions by re-defining the bean. The last bean definition that appears for a given bean name will be the one that is used.


    The spring-web.xml file located at:


    imports the platform spring configuration on line 17:

    Note that the product-specific spring files are located in a subfolder (in this case wln). In the WestlawNext spring-web.xml you can see the override of the DeliveryController (line 22):

    The platform version appears on line 50 of the platform spring-web.xml