Eikon Backend error. 401 Unauthorized using loop of get get_news

I have university access as student to thomson Reuters. I have created loop to read the 1 year data of news headlines + news full story text. It is taking too long time and after that it says me "raise requests.HTTPError(error_message, response=server_response) requests.exceptions.HTTPError: Backend error. 401 Unauthorized" Kindly help or advice me . Thanks.


  • What is the news search expression that you use in your requests? Or alternatively how many headlines and stories are you retrieving? I cannot be sure at this point, but it sounds like you simply may be trying to retrieve more data than Eikon APIs can provide. Eikon is an end user terminal product. Any data delivered by Eikon is meant for end user's individual consumption, hence the restrictions on the amount of data that can be retrieved. These restrictions are at the sole discretion of Thomson Reuters and can change over time. Thomson Reuters has other products that provide access to enterprise volumes of data and bulk retrieval capabilities, but as a university student you probably won't have access to these products.

  • Hello,

    I'm a post graduate exchange student from Leipzig (currently living in the UK and studying accounting and finance at the University of Glasgow) My project mentor is Lynn Irvine. How can I get a university access?

    Lynn Irvine > Eikon_DatabstreamAccess_instructions_Final.docx by quick essay writer

  • @baumleipzig

    The University of Glasgow subscribes to Refinitiv services including access to Eikon and Datastream. As the university student you may be able to obtain access to these Refinitiv services through the university. I'm afraid we at Refinitiv cannot guide you on what process you need to follow or who within the University of Glasgow you need to contact to get access to Refinitiv services that the university subscribes to, as we have no knowledge of how the university administers access to these services or what processes the university may have implemented for that. Talk to your project coordinator perhaps?

  • Mein Leipzig lob ich mir! Es ist ein klein Paris und bildet seine Leute. I lived in Leipzig in the mid-2000s. Love the place.

    I'm Refinitiv's Customer Success Manager for UK Academics. You mentioned that Lynn Irvine is your project mentor - she's also my main contact at Glasgow University. If you contact her she will be able to get you access to Eikon.

  • Mein Leipzig lob ich mir! Es ist ein klein Paris und bildet seine Leute. I lived in Leipzig in the mid-2000s. Love the place.

    I'm Refinitiv's Customer Success Manager for UK Academics. You mentioned that Lynn Irvine is your project mentor - she's also my main contact at Glasgow University. If you contact her she will be able to get you access to Eikon.

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