Where can I find the Cobalt Alert module API documentation

Looking for endpoint documentation for the Alert module. A wiki page exists here but looks to be out of date?

Best Answers

  • API Explorer has a dynamically generated listing of Alerts endpoints. I think that is the endpoint documentation utility that Joe mentioned in his answer. Alerts team would be able to vouch for whether this is a complete list (depends on the annotations on end-points), but here you go: [Alerts on API Explorer][1] [1]: http://c628qakcccbe:9005/APIExplorer/AlertProductService/Alert Just FYI, the API Explorer tool works much better with Chrome & Firefox than IE.
  • Unknown
    Answer ✓
    Any alert module instance API documentation can be found by going to a URL like this one for the WLN Alert module in CI:
    http://alert.int.next.ci.westlaw.com/Alert/API/indexByFeature.html The documentation is generated automatically and published with the deployed artifact. There are many limitations - we haven't gone through and updated the docs for each endpoint, and there are still some bugs with rendering in certain parts of the requset/response objects. We've been reporting those to the team that manages the endpoint doc generation tool.


  • Hello Brian, Unfortunately, I'm not aware of any up-to-date documentation on these endpoints. The News and Alerting team and the WLN Transition team (as well as others) have been making lots of changes in the Alert space. We recently created an Alerts community (really recently) and as the technical contact for the community, one of the things on my list is improving (creating) Alerts documentation. We are also going to be working on platformizing the alerts space. The documentation effort is going to include using the endpoint documentation utility to build up-to-date descriptions of our endpoints. I'm currently working on getting that up and running. Do you have a specific question that you are trying to answer using the documentation? I'd be happy to help take a look if you need assistance. Thanks, Joe
  • Thanks Joe! Looking for a listing of which endpoints do what specifically (and require which headers, parameters, etc) with the goal of exploring the possibility of targeting them directly for creating/modifying/deleting alerts in a QED regression setting.
  • Hey Brian, I think we're a ways out from having that yet. We do have a list of all the endpoint URLs, but we are having trouble getting the endpoint documentation utility to work. I'm currently working with Infrastructure on it. Once we get it working, there will still be the task of getting everything documented correctly. Joe
  • This is for AlertProductService, not the alert module.