JavaScript promises on Cobalt

What [implementation of the promises pattern][1] are we using on Cobalt? I assume it might be different between ADC and "Classic Cobalt JavaScript", so information on both would be appreciated. [1]:

Best Answer

  • In the "Cobalt Static Content" world (i.e. not ADC, not Viper), I only found a relatively short list of promise usage and it's all using jQuery: `$.Deferred`, `$.when`, `$.ajax(...).done`, etc. Usage is notably higher among the newer feature teams than the module teams. jQuery's promises implementation is useful but also not Promises/A+ compliant, so it may not be what you're seeking either. If you want to get more into Promises, I'd recommend one of the following based on personal experience and/or research: 1. [when.js]( 2. [Q]( 3. [RSVP.js]( Note that both when.js and Q can _consume_ jQuery promises using their respective `when` methods. After using Q for promises on Node.js for a number of projects, I actually ended up dropping promises in favor of simplified continuation passing with [async.js](, partially because of the convenience of having _less_ abstraction to try to keep straight but mostly because of its advanced patterns like [`async.parallelLimit`]( (check out their docs!). Async.js fits especially well into the Node.js world given Node's defacto continuation pattern APIs but it can also be used in the browser.


  • Considering that jQuery is the main low level framework in use throughout Cobalt, jQuery's Deferred is the implementation that is/should be used.
  • That's very interesting. I've found that CPS in Node has frequently led me to callback hell, with deeply nested blocks that are harder to read. Once replaced with Q the code (and the intention) becomes instantly more readable. especially if you take advantage of things like promiseAll(). There's a good article on why coroutines won't work for the Web here