Requesting a World Check profile Using the World Check one API - SEQ 5C


I Am trying to work with the World Check One API with only SEQ 5c to fetch the profile by supplying the ID Please could you help what could be going wrong. I used the environment variable JSON file as provided and the JSON application request "Thomson%20Reuters%20World-Check%20One%20API.postman_collection"

I have provided the api-key & api-secret

I have turned off the SSL Verification

What could be going wrong ?


  • @jyoti.surooprevo,

    The error which you are receiving could be due to temporary connectivity issue. When I try to pull the world check profile using the API call - "SEQ-5c: Get a World-Check profile", I am able to fetch the details successfully. - Please see the screenshot attached below:


    Please let us know if you are seeing the error everytime you are trying to fetch the worldcheck profile using the API call.

  • @Prabhjyot.Mandla

    What I was asking was , are there anymore settings that I need to consider before sending my request ?

  • Looks like it is a firewall issue , the current proxy firewall setting dos not allow the access from corporate network I guess

  • looks like it is a firewall issue then , I guess !

  • @jyoti.surooprevo,

    You may receive the error for the below reasons :

    1. Firewall

    2. Proxy

    3. Connectivity issue

    Sometimes the issue might get resolved only by restarting the Postman application.

    - Can you please let us know if you are receiving the error for all the API calls, any specific API call or ramdomly?

    - Also, can you please share the postman console logs, when you receive the 'could not receive any response' error?

  • @jyoti.surooprevo, can you provide the information required by @Prabhjyot.Mandla in order to continue the investigation further?