What is the results history database?

As it relates to Alerts. What's stored, what it's used for, etc.

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  • Unknown
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    Result history is a database that is used to persist search results. It is a Prism service. Alerts uses it in three main ways: 1. Frequently, it is used to hold results from an alert, so that they can be viewed from the application (the user may miss the e-mail and want to check to see if there were results, or be interested in viewing previous results). 2. It can also be used by producer/consumer model alerts, where the producer side will execute and store results in result history, and the consumers will come in and pull the results out. 3. It is also used for notifications in the Orion/Small Law world. When a notification event fires, it stores the notification in Result History. Later, this is pulled out when the user views their "Matter Activity" widget or when the "Notification Digest" e-mail is generated (for example). Typically, all access to Result History in the alerts space happens through the Alert Engine or the Alert Product Service.