Does Monitor Ongoing Screening updates return results in case of changes in the sanctions?

My question is related to the request SEQ-9: Monitor ongoing screening updates on cases

I just want to confirm that if there is a change in the sanctions of any of the matching entities (organisation & individuals) in the case, then the request SEQ-9 will return result with the case Id.

Is that correct?

Also, for each entity when calling the request SEQ-5c: Get a World-Check profile we get a list of associated entities (affiliated company) and associated individuals (associate). So, if there is a change in one of the associated individuals (for example, he was not sanctioned before but there is an update that he got sanctioned), will the request SEQ-9 using the case Id of the entity that the individual is associated with, return any results?



Best Answer

  • Prabhjyot
    Answer ✓


    Yes, API call - “SEQ-9: Monitor ongoing screening updates” will
    return the caseSystemId for all the cases which have updates including the

    Regarding the query on OGS updates related to associate/connections,
    the answer is no. OGS detects changes only on the main profile and not at their


  • @evanthia.tingiri,

    Yes, API call - “SEQ-9: Monitor ongoing screening updates” will
    return the caseSystemId for all the cases which have updates including the

    Regarding the query on OGS updates related to associate/connections,
    the answer is no. OGS detects changes only on the main profile and not at their

  • @evanthia.tingiri,

    Yes, API call - “SEQ-9: Monitor ongoing screening updates” will
    return the caseSystemId for all the cases which have updates including the

    Regarding the query on OGS updates related to associates/connections,
    the answer is no. OGS detects changes only on the main profile and not at their

  • Hello, thanks a lot for your reply. Is there any plan to provide this feature as well in the future? Thanks!

  • We will raise this concern with the product team and see if there is a room for improvement. However, no ETA yet.

  • Thank you! Please let me know in case it is decided to provide this!