Why do Cobalt Website Module builds take so long?

***Rant:*** Building Website locally with code analysis on takes 4+ minutes now days. When you finally check in to CI a single Website Platform build (not including products) can take 25+ minutes. ***:End Rant*** I am really just wondering why they have become so bad and if there is anything being done to bring the times down? For both local builds and code check-in builds / deploys. Thanks, Josh

Best Answer


  • What are the current specs on the build machines?
  • You make valid points Kevin its just getting to a point where it takes upwards of half a day to check in. As far as SSDs go, we ran some tests locally with Laptops 8GB RAM with SSDs, Desktops 8GB RAM with SSDs, iMac with 16GB of RAM and Desktops 8GB RAM without SSDs. The iMac seemed to be the only one with noticeably faster Website builds (with CA on).
  • So maybe you need more RAM or to increase the size of your page file (basically virtual memory) on Windows?
  • For the record, though, I agree: Website builds are insanely slow and it also takes me hours to check-in "correctly" more frequently than not.
  • Nice initial investigation, that does indeed seem strange.
  • If we are compiling most of the same views twice is it possible to only compile the views once?
  • Yes, we will be checking that change in to 20.7
  • Website has now been changed to no longer build the platform views as part of the cobalt.website.platform.web project.
  • Not an answer, but a workaround: you can always unload unit/integration test projects if you are just testing against the environment.