Fail on Step 2 SEQ-case-create-simple: Save a very simple case



After set api-key + secret

Step 1) SEQ-1a - groups Web Service - "Get my top-level groups"


{ "id": "0a3687d0-64a6-1d01-993d-ef2a00000bb0", "name": "ProximaX Singapore Pte Ltd (T)", "parentId": null, "hasChildren": true, "status": "ACTIVE", "children": [ { "id": "0a3687d0-64a6-1d01-993d-ef5300000bfd", "name": "ProximaX Singapore Pte Ltd - Screening", "parentId": "0a3687d0-64a6-1d01-993d-ef2a00000bb0", "hasChildren": false, "status": "ACTIVE", "children": [] } ] }

Step 2) SEQ-case-create-simple: Save a very simple case

FAILStatus code is 201 | AssertionError: expected response to have status code 201 but got 404 FAILCould retrieve the caseSystemId from response | AssertionError: expected [] to have property 'caseSystemId' FAILCould retrieve the caseId from response | AssertionError: expected [] to have property 'caseId' FAILCould retrieve the userId from response | AssertionError: expected [] to have property 'creator'

So, what issue here and how can I solve it?


Best Answer

  • Irfan.Khan
    Answer ✓


    Kindly check if you are using the correct group Id to screen your case.

    Also, can you please provide me the Postman Console log of the failed API call so that I can look into this. You can access the Postman Console log by using the shortcut Ctrl+Alt+ C in Postman and then call the API to capture its request and response details and then send it over for scrutiny.

    Kindly mask the API key before sending the logs.


  • May be this will help you, these taken from my working applcation


    (request-target): post /v1/cases
    date: Thu, 16 Aug 2018 06:39:50 GMT
    content-type: application/json
    content-length: 169


    Signature keyId="xxx",algorithm="hmac-sha256",headers="(request-target) host date content-type content-length",signature="4IrQJ8y+nisOWUSUDalWf4zXN7rXlc7nMfcP1xPxE7A="