What do you do when a Cobalt CI build fails?

Is there any documentation on what to do when your changes cause a Cobalt CI build to fail? Things like how to determine what caused the build to fail, what to do when if it isn't code related, how to communicate it is being addressed, etc.


  • Is this question in regard to a particular module, or just in general? I'd say this is _at least_ going to vary by what underlying technology the module uses: .NET / Java / JavaScript / etc.
  • I'm not sure how different it gets between each module but certainly having it for the different technologies would be useful.
  • The CM team put together a wiki page with steps for debugging CI build failures [here][1]. It's very generic, but provides a good starting point. [1]:
  • On MAF we have a Jenkins running that provide a service of alerts with the fail details, this email contain the last changes and the name of who made the last changes. That person must review the changes and she/he has 2 option a rollback or fix the bug that is producing the fail. In addition, during the time that the fail happening not commits are allowed until the build back to normal. Let me know if this help or you are looking for something else.
  • I personally was looking specifically for cobalt ci builds but I'm sure this is valuable information for those working on MAF. I edited my question to be cobalt specific - perhaps another question can be asked that is MAF specific?
  • You can contact CO_CM_TECH for non code issues.