What is the entityIdentification module used for?

I just ran into an issue in forms where a link out from Forms to westlaw next was failing. After investigating, the problem was the EntityIdentification CMDB value in website was set to notRequired. What is the EntityIdentification module used for?

Best Answer

  • The [EntityIdentification Module][1] is used to do entity resolution based on some input. I'm really only familiar with Document Entities that are stored in Novus, but EntityID is (will be?) geared towards resolving Entities from any Authority (e.g. Attorneys, Judges, etc.). Examples: - Finding a document (or documents in the case of a non-unique find) from a user entered citation. - Supporting document to document linking by resolving the values in cite.query markup (e.g. serial number, pub number, etc.) to one or more documents. - Parsing a document (such as a user-uploaded document) and determine all the entities within. This module is a replacement for a group of legacy services (e.g. INF Locator, Citation Discovery, Bermuda Orchestrator). The [Entity Identification Tooling GUI][2] provides a front-end to a few of the EntityID endpoints. [1]:
    https://thehub.thomsonreuters.com/groups/cobalt-platform-entity-id-community [2]:
