Viewing contents of a transfer token

When debugging a link-in from one product to another, how can you capture what the transfer token is and view the contents of that transfer token?

Best Answer

  • You can get the transfer token from TRMR, either from finding the link-out from the product that you are linking from or from the request to the product that you are linking to. For example to do this when linking from Doc & Form Builder to WestlawNext perform the following steps: 1. Use the sessioninfo tool ([see Cobalt Support tools page][1]) to find the session for the product you linked to, in this case WestlawNext. 2. View TRMR for your session by clicking on the Cobalt Tremor link for the session. 3. Find the API Cobalt.Website.Rest.CreateSeamlessSessionV2 if the product has not switched to COSI or COSI.Webstie.Page.CosiSignOn if it does use COSI. 4. Click on the ? symbol in the Page Guid column to display the request 5. Find the transfertoken url information in the request and copy the value. 6. Sign on to the OnePass admin site ([OnePass Prod Admin][2], [OnePass QA Admin][3]). OnePass prod would be used for Cobalt Prod/HotProd and OnePass QA used for QED/DEMO/CI. 7. Hover over "Look Up" and click on "Token Information". 8. Paste the transfer token value into the "Token Identifier" field and click "Run Search". [1]: [2]: [3]:


  • Is the "Look Up" tab restricted to particular users? If so, how do you request access?
  • Yes it is restricted. If you need this ability you should email the AT-OnePass-Development team. You will need to provide them with the following: First and Last Name,Email Address, OnePass Username, Position, and Primary use for the OnePass Admin Access (i.e. Inspect token information …) Send the above information and Manager approval and elevated rights will be assigned to your OnePass profile.