Process for getting CUB changes into Foldering

I noticed that the Foldering Ivy configuration has been changed to pull in the version of the CUB (Cobalt URL Builder) from the previous iteration (rather than an explicit version number). This means that [CUB updates][1] have to be staged an iteration before they are used in Foldering. Is this the intent? Is there a way that we can get same-iteration CUB changes into Foldering? [1]:

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  • Unknown
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    When we (recently) changed Foldering to use the "same iteration/last iteration" macros, we marked any Cobalt internal library as "last iteration" unless we explicitly knew we needed things more current (e.g. Foldering Common). Generally, same-iteration changes from Cobalt JARs should be relatively rare and we probably don't want the very latest (and possibly unstable), but there are of course exceptions. Perhaps this is one of those. If it fits your needs, go ahead and update the CUB version to be "same iteration".