Why does my Checkin Policy not load, in Eclipse?

[Excerpted from an email] We’ve read through the checkin policy installation documentation, but we are still having issues with the policy warnings. I have installed the checkin policy and the plugin directory does exist in my eclipse folder. Here is the error we are getting in eclipse. ===================== A required check-in policy failed to load: Name: Thomson Reuters Copyright Policy ID: com.westgroup.teamfoundation.checkinpolicies.copyright.CopyrightPolicy-1 Installation instructions: Read the following to install this policy: \\tlr\software\WestApps\TFS_ThomsonReuters_Copyright_Policy\Documentation\
Install_TR_TFSCopyright.htm Error: No policy implementation could be found for com.westgroup.teamfoundation.checkinpolicies.copyright.CopyrightPolicy-1 More details may be available in the platform and application logs. =====================

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