MRN News Vs News2000 MarketFeed packet size

Hello Team,

What is the MRN news (RIC: MRN_STORY) message packet size Vs News2000 (N2_UBMS) message?

Thank you.



Best Answer

  • @NWM

    The underlying ETA API has a maxFragmentSize setting. It is the maximum size buffer that will be written to the network. If a larger buffer is required, the RSSL Transport will internally fragment the larger buffer into smaller maxFragmentSize buffers.

    For RSSL, the default maxFragmentSize is 6144 bytes.

    MRN also uses RSSL protocol so the size of buffer that is written to the network will not exceed 6144 bytes.


  • Hi @NWM

    I believe that they cannot be directly compared.

    With MRN_STORY, you get both Headline and Story body. But with N2_UBMS, you get only the headline and you must send additional item requests for the Story body.

    But MRN should utilize fewer network resources if you need the Story body of every news. This is because:

    1. MRN data is compressed with gzip compression.
    2. You don't have to send additional item requests.
  • @Warat

    Thank you for the response. Right, MRN data is compressed with gzip but we still need to know the packet size of MRN news & story body. Is it possible to confirm again please?
