python Eikon api response 500


trying to write a Python/Eikon API for the first time. I started with the sample code available on the TR website.

I have set up new App API code which I have specified in my script along with my Eikon username and password.

This is the response

############### Sending Authentication request message to TRKD ############### Request fail response status 500 Error: {'Fault': {'Code': {'Value': 's:Receiver', 'Subcode': {'Value': 'a:Security_InvalidLoginPassword'}}, 'Reason': {'Text': {'lang': 'en-US', 'Value': 'Invalid user name or password.'}}, 'Detail': {'ClientErrorReference': {'Timestamp': '2018-11-08T23:53:04.1537466Z', 'ErrorReference': 'f18d41cb111e41988643e3336ca0c19e', 'ServerReference': 'E768EA1DE8219342CDEBB90D1064341FD6AB0D698A8CC1FE'}}}} Traceback (most recent call last):

Help !!

Best Answer

  • @stephen.l.ellis
    Since you didn't provide a sample of the code you're using or a reference to where exactly you got the example you're using, it's impossible for me to be certain about what's happening. However judging by the presence of this line in the output you receive "Sending Authentication request message to TRKD", it looks like you're not using any of the Eikon APIs. It looks like you're trying to use the service named TRKD, which is a completely different product from Eikon. If this is indeed the case, in order to use TRKD you need to subscribe specifically to this service. Your Eikon subscription does not include access to TRKD. And if you tried to use TRKD service by mistake and what you wanted to do is to use Eikon Data APIs, then please refer to the documentation for Eikon Data APIs following the link below.
