Why is Document getting Unrecognized attribute 'limitXPathComplexity' exception?

When I run Document local I am getting the following exception at runtime: ConfigurationErrorsException Unrecognized attribute 'limitXPathComplexity'. Note that attribute names are case-sensitive. (D:\data\Cobalt Document\Development\Document\Document\web.config line 18) I have been able to run Document locally in the past without any problems.

Best Answer

  • From Ann Tellers: There is a known issue with Document that you can’t run .net 4.5 because of this problem. This was reported to Microsoft and a patch was sent. It’s attached. From:
    kamils@microsoft.com Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2013 1:02 PM To: Holbrook, Matt (Legal) Cc:
    casemail@microsoft.com Subject: Hot fix ready for your incident 113022110232666 CASE_ID_NUM: 113022110232666 MESSAGE: Hello Matt, The hot fix for your issue has been packaged and placed on an HTTP site for you to download. WARNING: This fix is not publicly available through the Microsoft website as it has not gone through full Microsoft regression testing. If you would like confirmation that this fix is designed to address your specific problem, or if you would like to confirm whether there are any special compatibility or installation issues associated with this fix, you are encouraged to speak to a Support Professional in Product Support Services. Package: KB Article Number (s) : 2828841 Language: All (Global) Platform: x64 Location ([http://hotfixv4.microsoft.com/.NET Framework 4.5 –%20Windows%207/Windows%20Server%202008,%20Windows%20Vista%20SP2/Windows%20Server%202008%20SP2/nosp/DevDiv1002220/50709.19075/free/462391_intl_x64_zip.exe](http://hotfixv4.microsoft.com/.NET Framework 4.5 –%20Windows%207/Windows%20Server%202008,%20Windows%20Vista%20SP2/Windows%20Server%202008%20SP2/nosp/DevDiv1002220/50709.19075/free/462391_intl_x64_zip.exe) ) ---------------------------------------------------------- KB Article Number (s) : 2828841 Language: All (Global) Platform: i386 Location: ( [http://hotfixv4.microsoft.com/.NET Framework 4.5 –%20Windows%207/Windows%20Server%202008,%20Windows%20Vista%20SP2/Windows%20Server%202008%20SP2/nosp/DevDiv1002220/50709.19075/free/462390_intl_i386_zip.exe](http://hotfixv4.microsoft.com/.NET Framework 4.5 –%20Windows%207/Windows%20Server%202008,%20Windows%20Vista%20SP2/Windows%20Server%202008%20SP2/nosp/DevDiv1002220/50709.19075/free/462390_intl_i386_zip.exe) ) NOTE: Be sure to include all text between '(' and ')' when navigating to this hot fix location! Thanks!


  • I recently installed .Net 4.5 since StaticContent requires it. This might be related.
  • Note that the hotfix doesn't fix the complexity problem, it simply removes the complexity check. The ultimate problem is that Document stylesheets are too large. There is also a new issue in .NET 4.5 XSLT transform when there are too many elements in a parent. I had to make a fix for preformatted documents because the rendering time went from a few seconds to 15+ minutes.