Where is a 64 bit Oracle ODBC driver

Does anyone know which ODBC driver needs to be installed to get TestComplete to connect with an Oracle database? It seems only a 32 bit driver (SQORA32.dll) is installed even after installing a 64 bit Oracle client. Trying to Open the connection results in the TestComplete error, “Specified driver could not be loaded due to system error 193”. I think a 64 bit driver is required.


  • Not sure it applies to your issue, but when installing [64-bit Oracle Data Access Components (ODAC)][1] for usage in
    ASP.NET 64-bit, I ran into an odd deployment problem: the installation scripts as provided by Oracle assumes you're running into a 64-bit Command Prompt. It happened that some installation tools (_Nolio_ in our case) were actually running as 32-bit process, so I had to amend the Oracle _'configure.bat'_ script by replacing line: regedit /s "%BAT_DIR%\oledb.reg" by reg IMPORT "%BAT_DIR%\oledb.reg" /reg:64 This way you ensure that the information goes into the right 64-bit registry hive. [1]: