What is Periscope / what tools exist for aiding Cobalt Document module development?

What is Periscope? How do I access it? What does it do? Are there other developer tools for working with doc?

Best Answer

  • Periscope (part of Gunmetal Tools) is one of a collection of tools that manages the Document Module. I believe the official URL for is currently: [
    http://gunmetaltools.int.thomson.com/][1] # Gunmetal Tools # There are 4 main sections to Gunmetal, all in various states of disrepair: Inspection, Mapping, Tools, and Reporting. ## Inspection Tab ## The Inspection tab includes Document Inspector and Periscope. ### Document Inspector ### Document Inspector allows the user to retrieve a list of unique XPaths for a content type. It can also generate a list of GUIDs that will have full coverage over the list of unique XPaths. ### Periscope ### Periscope allows the user to view the output of various Document Module endpoints, given a GUID. It can also generate random GUIDs within a particular Document Content Type (and optionally a collection). ## Mapping Tab ## The Mapping tab is the primary use of Periscope. ### Upload GUIDs Section ### The Upload Guids section allows the user to submit either a list of collections or a list of GUIDs to harvest. The harvesting process will retrieve a selection of documents (either the GUIDs that were given or a random? selection of documents from the given collections). The harvester will submit a Search and Extract request (which goes through LTC) to download this batch of documents. The output of this request is then processed to extract unique XPaths, collections, and doctypes (which are stored in the Gunmetal database). This tab also allows the user to manually enter collections (which should only be done in the case of Password Protected Collections). ### Map Content Types ### The Map Content Type section is used to map Document Content Types to collections. The "Edit Content Type" dropdown will allow the user to select and existing content type. The "Product" dropdown will update to show which product is associated with this Document Content Type (it cannot be changed from this screen). The "Mapping Choices" listbox will display all currently unmapped collections for the currently active product (based on the currently select Document Content Type) - each collection/doctype combination can only be mapped once per product. The "Current Mapping" contains all the collections currently mapped to the content type (which can be modified by the "Add"/"Remove" buttons). The list at the bottom displays all mapped collections for all products. This mapping is still maintained in Periscope for a variety of reasons, but is controlled in CI/DEMO/QED/PROD by [PAC][2] and published to a PMD endpoint: [/display/collection/contenttypeprofile/all][3]. Look under PMD Mappings -> Collection Stylesheet. For local development, there is a flag to choose between using PAC and the local mapping file generated by Gunmetal. To submit a change request for this mapping in PAC, submit a ticket in InQuira: [Request: Collection to Stylesheet Mapping - LEGAL][4] ### Manage Content Types ### The Manage Content Types section is used to View, Create, and Update Document Content Types. In the upper-right corner is the export functionality. This feature generates the ContentTypeMapData.xml file that is checked into the Document Module (containing all of the Document Content Types, Fermi Content Types, and mappings for a particular product). As this file does not mirror what is currently checked-in (due to changes still in flight), please be sure to only merge in the changes that you explicitly made. Also be sure to merge them into the XML file in the proper order such that the exported file from Periscope and the checked-in file stay as similar as possible. And also be sure to do a "Format Document" in Visual Studio (with the proper settings) before every check-in to ensure a consistent layout that is easy to diff. To create a new Document Content Type, keep "Content Types" set to "new" and fill out the rest of the form. The new type will be created when the "Save" button is clicked. The list at the bottom of the screen provides an overview of all existing Document Content Types. ### Manage Fermi Content Types ### This section is used to create a new Fermi Content Type and works similar to the Manage Content Types section. ## Tools / Reporting Tabs## I haven't used Tools much and I believe Reporting is currently broken. ## Source Code ## The source code for the tool can be found at: $/Cobalt Document/Spikes/Tools/Document Inspector Tools in
    tfsnpt.int.thomson.com\Cobalt_Collection # Other Useful Tools / Guides # - [Viewing/Deleting Document Cache(s) without restarting server][5] - Debugging XSLT - [Source level debugging of Xslt Stylesheets][6] - [Debugging XSLT stylesheets with

    ][7] [1]:
    http://gunmetaltools.int.thomson.com/ [2]:
    http://pac.int.westgroup.com:9005/PAC/ [3]:
    http://pmd.int.next.qed.westlaw.com/pmd/v1/d1226/display/collection/contenttypeprofile/all [4]:
    http://inquira.thomsonreuters.com/search/index?page=content&id=SO62840 [5]:
    http://techoverflow.int.thomsonreuters.com/questions/1844/how-do-you-clear-document-stylesheet-cache [6]:
    https://thehub.thomsonreuters.com/docs/DOC-577693 [7]:
