XML serialization/deserialization in Cobalt Java module

I'm working on a Cobalt module that will be interfacing with some another Cobalt module that uses an XML format for its requests rather than the traditional JSON. So, we'll be deciding on which XML serializer/deserializer we'll be using for this. The workflow here is a the typical "Request POJO to request XML, and then response XML to response POJO" sequence. It's been a few years since I've done non-trivial XML-to-object-and-back-again processing on the JVM. While I do know the usual suspects for this task, I'm curious what might be new. What libraries have people had success with here? Anything particularly good or cool? We're running JDK 7 and Groovy 2.something. Simply using Groovy's XML writing/reading classes is a tempting possibility here.
