WC1 Api Production Issue: Sync and Async case results missing details issue

We have an issue with WC1 api which is that when we create an asynchronous case against an individual, then we create synchronous case against the same person, Our problem is that results are mismatched. i mean there is some JSON fileds that exists in the synch results and does not exists in the async results.

The missing fields from async results are: "primaryName", "category", "events", "countryLinks", "identityDocuments".

Best Answer

  • @mghaly

    Kindly note this is a difference in the JSON response of the "Get screening results" and Sync Screening API.

    As correctly noted, the missing fields from async results are: "primaryName", "category", "events", "countryLinks", "identityDocuments".

    As for the sync API, we do not provide the resolution status of the matches populated due to screening which is available in the "Get screening result" API.

    We are working to make the JSON response of both the endpoints exactly the same but currently we do not have an ETA on it on when it can be implemented.

    You can use the sync screening API if you are interested in the additional personal attribute regarding the match, if you would like to which match was auto resolved due to the provided secondary identifier, we advise you to use- "Get screening results"


  • Hi @Irfan.Khan

    Any update on this issue? We are facing the same issue.



  • @a.mathur

    Kindly note this is not an issue, but this is how endpoints are currently designed to provide JSON response.

    The product management is
    already aware of this. I would like to state our dev team is working to improve this.

    However, I am not sure by when
    will this be rolled out on the live product as no ETA has been assigned to the
    JIRA I am looking at. I will relay your concerns to the product
    management so that they can expedite this.

  • @Irfan.Khan Thank you for the quick response.

    But, I didn't understand the significance of different screening result. Do you have any explanation for that?



  • @a.mathur

    The screening result in the two endpoints are not different. Its just that the sync screening endpoint does not feature the resolution status of the results while the async screening endpoint does not have the complete information that sync endpoint provides.

    In fact, sync screening endpoint was created to provide a new means to fetch information that was not available in the async screening, which forced them to call the world check profile API for each match.

    If you would like more information on this, I would request you to write to c3r.api@thomsonreuters.com.