simulating WestAlertProcessor [unknown host:]

I'm working on moving Taxnet Pro's alerts from the WestAlertProcessor to the CobaltAlertProcessor. I think it'd be good to be able to simulate both the existing alerts and the new alerts. I've roughly followed [the instructions][1] for running the CobaltAlertProcessor simulator with the hope that running the WestAlertProcessor (RunSimulator) is similar. However, I'm getting an UnknownHostException: I see this domain name referenced in a few places: /cygdrive/e/Superior/Westlaw_Online_Services/Development/WestAlertProcessor $ find . | xargs grep '' 2> /dev/null Binary file ./bin/harness/WestSimulation.class matches ./prop/ ./test/harness/ public static final String PROPERTIES_URL = ""; Anyone know if this is as easy as replacing the old domain name with a new one (or ip)? Does anyone out there run the WestAlertProcessor simulator? Is this just the 2nd hurdle of many (the first was deserializing a date)? Thanks, Ben [1]: