Installing Open Eikon Desktop API

Prior to installing the EIKON SDK, the [Desktop SDK Requirements][1] states that it requires: - Visual Studio 2012

The Desktop SDK is not supported for the Visual Studio 2012 Express edition. Given this information, when going through the [Installing the SDK][2] procedures, step 5 in those instructions states: > Extract to your Visual Studio Template folder (usually located at \Visual Studio 2012\Templates\ProjectTemplates\Visual C#. The first confusing bit of information is the reference to "Visual Studio 2012". Visual Studio 2012 by default installs under "Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0". Visual Studio 2013 actually installs under "Visual Studio 2012". While I don't really understand Microsofts logic here, it's unclear what the instructions above is referencing. Second, this specific directory or even any resemblance of it does not exist and also there seems to be many template folders under my installation. Choosing one, I get the following when I attempt to extract: > Access is denied. While I can resolve this issue, I think I may be way off in extracting this content. Can anyone clarify? thanks. [1]: [2]:


  • I think it's pointing at the directories in your Documents folder (i.e. C:\Users\{user}\Documents\Visual Studio 2012\Templates) in which case the folders do actually line up correctly by year. In the other case you mention about "Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0", 11.0 simply represents a version number here. It's just a coincidence that v10 lined up with Visual Studio 2010. v11 represents 2012 and v12 represents 2013.
  • Thanks James. Yes, it does line up correctly. Maybe the instructions can benefit by adding a simple reference to the as the root.
  • I found an alternate site: which does which does reflect the appropriate instructions. Specifically: Extract to Visual Studio Template folder. The template folder is usually located in %UserProfile%\Documents\Visual Studio 2012\Templates\ProjectTemplates\Visual C#.
  • Hi James, To be clear, you should use the new Open Eikon developer portal which is currently located at - though this might not be its final resting place. I hope this helps.