What is the "Eikon Debugging feature"

Can anyone explain what this feature is, what it enables me to do and how to determine if I have been privileged to access it within Eikon? This feature is relevant to the Open Eikon **Desktop API**. In trying to troubleshoot why I couldn't run a simple App within the Eikon container, I was presented with a dialog that identified that: "***You are not privileged for Eikon debugging feature***". Refer to item 3. within the dialog presented in this [techoverflow post][1]. Assuming I'm not priviledged, How would I get this feature installed? thanks. [1]:


  • Nick can you elaborate -- which SDK and where did you see this?
  • Hi Nick,

    I believe you are referring to the Eikon Visual Studio 2012 add-in - which allows you to attach a debugger to an Eikon app project in Visual Studio. The add-in allows you to attach a debugger to an Eikon box instance locally - which allows you to debug the app. Currently, this feature must be permissioned by the dev team. There are a list of pre-requisites that must be complied with in order to develop and debug apps for Eikon (.NET workflow) - I will paste the appropriate one here:

    Access to develop and debug Open Eikon applications.
    The access to the feature is controlled in Eikon Library application ThomsonReuters.Eikon.Remote.Host. If you need access to debug applications locally, please contact: Nav Dessai, Frederic Souchu or Igor Vaschuk.

    I hope this helps.