Adding Cobalt Nexus Repositories to IntelliJ

How do you add the Cobalt Nexus repository to IntelliJ? Adding under Maven>Repositories in Settings (in 'Artifactory or Nexus Service URLs') yields "No repositories found" when hitting the Test button. Tried: . . and variations on portions of those URLs

Best Answer

  • This isn't a direct answer to your question, but may allow you to accomplish what you were trying to do that caused you to ask the question... My IntelliJ picks up our Nexus repositories from my Maven settings.xml. When I try adding them using the procedure you outlined, I also get "No repositories found" - but when I'm working on projects, IntelliJ is indeed able to see those repositories. Are you able to build your project from the command line using Maven?


  • My specific use case involves using IntelliJ for quick dev of POC's, etc. It would be nice to be able to setup some Global libraries in IntelliJ for commonly-used internal items (such as the Novus API and its dependencies). In my case, setting all the quick projects up with full maven dependencies tends to be overkill (one-off Groovy scripts, etc)
  • The repo definitions I'm talking about are not per-project, though - they're defined in the global settings.xml file (usually at $M2_HOME/conf/settings.xml).