Bad Request error on Cases webservice call

Hello Team, I am able to call groups webservice successfully. I am using Salesforce Apex language for calling the webservices. But, I am getting HTTP Status code 400 (Bad Request) error while calling Cases webservice. Below is the data I am passing to webservice DataForSignature: (request-target): post /v1/cases host: date: Thu, 31 Jan 2019 11:36:58 GMT content-type:application/json content-length:168 {"secondaryFields":[],"providerTypes":["WATCHLIST"],"name":"george w bush","groupId":"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX","entityType":"INDIVIDUAL","customFields":[]} Authorization: Signature keyId="XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",algorithm="hmac-sha256",headers="(request-target) host date content-type content-length",signature="j2tnBYB7uIVQCvOKZJ2qALCrkD1hn7vShp298PhzU50=" Can you please help me understand the reason for Bad request statuscode 400 issue?

Best Answer

  • @be3ce971-7473-4458-acda-0194c4c65725,

    Thank you for sharing the request headers.

    In the POST request, you will have to send the below 4 in the headers -

    i. Authorisation

    ii. Date

    iii. Content-Type

    iv. Content-Length

    From the above request header, I see that you are not sending the 'Authorisation' in the request header of the API call which should result in Error 4XX.

    The body, date, content length and content type values are correct and valid.

    Can you please add the Authorisation to the headers of the API call and then try? If it still fails, request you to share the request headers, request body and the response headers of the API call to investigate on the issue.


  • @be3ce971-7473-4458-acda-0194c4c65725,

    Can you please send us the request headers, request payload and the response headers of the API call to further investigate the issue?

  • Hello Prabhjyot,

    Request details are as follows:

    Request Header: (request-target): post /v1/cases host: date: Fri, 01 Feb 2019 13:12:27 GMT content-type:application/json content-length:168 {"secondaryFields":[],"entityType":"INDIVIDUAL","customFields":[],"groupId":"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX","providerTypes":["WATCHLIST"],"name":"George w Bush"}

    Response details: System.HttpResponse[Status=Bad Request, StatusCode=400]

    Response [Date] :Fri, 01 Feb 2019 13:12:48 GMT

    Please review and reply with suggestions. Thanks in advance.