

What is function registerWithJET used for ?

What is different between one and registerWithCCF ?


  • Original question asked by: Rustam Gaifiev
  • registerWithJET is the workaround that JET team tried to solve the JET instantiation issue for the page residing in HTML IFrame. The change is still there for backward compatibility but we'll review this IFrame issue to have the permanent solution soon.

    I just have no idea about registerWithCCF but as the name implies, CCF is the precedent of JET so it's possible that the same workaround has been there with CCF before (my guess)
  • I believe these are methods injected from the Eikon container side for handshaking/two-way communication initiation process between javascript world (JET.js) and native C++ container side world. I just joined JET team for few months so not guarantee it's totally correct. Perhaps you can ask Chromium/CCF/Container team i.e. Emmanuel Kimmerlin ( for more accuracy answer :)