Trident (MSIE) vs Blink/WebKit (Chromium Embedded Framework/CEF) renderers in Eikon

What is the deal with dual renderers? When is one used over the other? Can one control which is used? What implications are there for usage of JET?

Where is reference documentation for guaranteed supported HTML, DOM and ECMA Script for each release of Eikon?

Can one detect and enforce usage of a minimum version?

Best Answer

  • Unless your view or URL is in a whitelist, you get the MSIE renderer. In order to force either of those to Chromium you need to get on the whitelist, as described in this Hub post: [Chromium Whitelist][1] As to why, since I'm a newb I can only speculate that all views used MSIE in the past, and the drive is to move everything to Chromium, but my more learned colleagues might be able to answer that better. [1]: