Layout examples using inline styling

The [layout examples][1] in the Eikon Web UI site are all using inline CSS and thus breaking the core tenet of layout being separate to content. Why is this example so verbose? Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 c.f. CSS: .simple-example, .simple-example div { display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap; } nav { width: 250px; } section { flex: 1 100%; } .half { flex: 2 0; } HTML 5: (not ideal as using Flexbox instead of Grid) Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 There many sites on flexbox layout correctly document how this should be demonstrated. - - - - [1]:

Best Answer

  • Thanks Steve for taking time to put this example together. Much appreciated! I will pass it on to developers working on the Eikon Web UI.

    We are focusing on the visual changes right now and at this stage I think even this way of flex-box implementation may suffice. Of course I'm all in favor of using best practices and using inline styles may cause issues in the long run and a css file is the right place for styles.

