401 authorized response code when sync screening/saving a case with a entity name with special chara

The screening request is successful if the name has no special characters in it.

The entity name for which I received a 401 error is "Böhnke Luckau GmbH"

Best Answer

  • @Irfan.Khan

    You can avoid the issue by
    encoding the request payload as ‘utf-8’ and then use it to calculate the
    content length of the payload.

    This is mandatory if the user is
    trying to screen names with special characters. This is done to properly
    calculate the content byte length and not the string length.

    As per my understanding, it’s
    the length of the content/payload sent to the API which determines that the
    request will succeed or not, if your request contains special characters.

    Also, when the payload is being
    sent in the request, it has to be sent as UTF-8 encoded.

    Please find the simplified
    steps to achieve the same below:

    1. The content body should be
    converted to UTF-8.

    2. Calculate the length of the
    UTF-8 encoded content. Putting it simply, the length of UTF-8 encoded content
    is different than the normal payload body.

    3. Use the normal
    payload/content body in the dataToSign variable.

    4. Use the content length of the
    UTF-8 encoded in the dataToSign variable.

    5. Send the UTF-8 encoded
    content/payload in the API request.

    6. Send the content length of
    the UTF-8 encoded in the request header.

    I advise you to send the same
    request using Postman. If it is successful, check the authorization headers and
    the content length in it and make sure the authorization header and the content
    length you are sending via your code is also the same. This should give you a
    success response.

    Please do not include
    “charset”=UTF-8 as headers while sending your request, this will not solve the
    problem. We do not expect the charset in the request and hence it will result
    in error.

    Let me know if this helps in
    solving your issue and feel free to reach out.