Customer browser statistics

Do we have any tools available to view customer browser usage statistics on WLN and shared products?

Best Answer

  • Ron Burke
    Answer ✓
    If the product you are interested in viewing data for uses COSI, then you can view the information on the [OnePass Admin site][1]. You may need to [request access from the OnePass team][2]. When viewing the information on the OnePass site keep in mind that this includes all users who have come to the COSI site for the product you have chosen, not just those who have actually signed on. For instance, WLN blocks users with IE versions less than 7, but in the COSI report you will still see that it shows users with IE 5 & 6. [1]: [2]:


  • Thanks Ron, that's probably what I'm looking for. Unfortunately this was more for curiosity sake than for a business case, so I can't really justify getting the required access.
  • Bango (to be replaced by MixPanel in due course) has this information for many of our mobile web products + ProView in the browser. Happy to run a query or two for you if there is something in particular you are looking for.
  • Thanks Dan, I'm not really looking for anything in particular, but it's great to know what resources are out there