Import other forum conversations onto Tech Overflow?

Has anyone had experience importing data from another forum into tech overflow? Is there a specific format and process? Thank you. David


  • TechOverflow is a Question/Answer community. > A Question/Answer community is > different from a typical forum because > it focuses on finding answers to the > questions of its members. A typical > forum, by contrast, operates more like > a discussion group, where people are > free to give their opinions and topics > tend to be more subjective. > > By keeping a focus on questions and > answers, this community ensures that > finding answers to existing questions > - and getting answers to new questions - can be done without any distractions. > > *[TechOverflow FAQ](* So, we would not want to import any forum conversations into TechOverflow. However, I think TheHub is a good place to put forum conversations. Then, if there were a question on TechOverflow that could benefit from information in a forum conversation on TheHub, then an answer on TechOverflow should be submitted with a hyperlink to the information on TheHub. Also, I'm not aware of any options to import content into TechOverflow.
  • We use the "forum" for technical Q & A to discover the best practices to APP creations for the TREP APIs. This approach appears to be similar to Techoverflow. I was wondering if Techoverflow had the capability of importing this data rich content and the formatting requirements need to facilitate this co-mingling of data.
  • We've considered TheHub as a solution, however, would like to have all the data in one location. Would there be any other alternatives?