Interacting with the Prism Alert service

Are there any examples (perhaps in the NPT TFS instance) of interacting with the Prism alert API via the nsaprism JAR? I'm writing some code that needs to retrieve Prism alerts given an alert ID (and possible alert IDs given a user). Rather than stumbling through the available classes via Ctrl-Space, I'd like to see a relatively complete example of this sort of interaction.

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  • Unknown
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    There are a couple of examples of these types of scripts floating around. * AlertProductService uses PRISM's API to retrieve and update Alerts. ($/Cobalt Alert/Development/AlertProductService) * The CobaltAlertProcessor uses some PRISM APIs as well ($/Superior/WLN/Development/CobaltAlertProcessor) * There are some developer scripts that aren't in TFS that the Web2 Alerts Support team uses to manage Web2 alerts. * Developer script in TFS to handle daylight savings time for Web2 Alerts: $/Superior/Westlaw_Other/WestlawWatchAlertsDaylightSavingsScript * There are also some developer scripts (both in and outside of TFS) for WLN. Some of the ones in TFS are located in $/Cobalt Alert/Development/Spikes/PublicationAlertProducerManagement/src/com/thomsonreuters/alertutils But the Web2 and WLN alerts teams should have plenty of examples, depending on what you want to do. If you have questions about Web2, contact AT_Alerts_MT. If you have questions about WLN, contact CO-ALERTS-Engine-Dev. I am a member of both groups, so I'm also happy to try to answer any questions you might have (including sharing some of our scripts that aren't in TFS). **And of course, these APIs are destructive and do not have security, so be extra careful when making changes to alert data.** Ask us if you aren't sure! Our official guideline is not to use these APIs to write to PROD without prior approval and review of the script by the alerts community.


  • Answering my own question: The alert migration tool in TFS seems to have some examples of this. See the $/Cobalt Alert/Alert Migration/WestlawClassic/AlertMigrator/src/com/thomsonreuters/alertmigration/processor folder, in particular the file.
  • And to further expound on this: The JavaDoc for their JAR is here: