Archive / Delete case returns 404

hey guys,

trying to archive a case / delete archived case from the API and both returns 404 with empty body.

i read that i need a permissions so i checked in the admin panel and i have, so what could be the problem?

im on the pilot env.

Best Answer

  • Prabhjyot
    Answer ✓


    Thank you for your query.

    'Case delete' functionality was not enabled for your account and so you were receiving Error 404. I have now enabled the 'Case delete functionality for your pilot account.

    Further to add to this query, in order to be able to delete a case, user should have the permission to 'Delete a case' for which I have added the 'Delete case' permission for your username.

    You should be able to delete a case now.

    Hope this helps.


  • ok i understand now that i need to pass the caseSystemId so archive succeed!

    but still no luck on delete, only 404 (same in postman)

  • ok great thank you.