No JET Container is found !

I am new to JET. I have followed steps found in below links for HTML5 SDK >> Build your first app Using the sample code found in "Step 2. Create", I encounter "No JET Container is found !" in Chrome console after loading the html file. [Env] Apache 2.0 Web Server JET: version = 1.1.2, released date = 25/4/2014 */ [Questions] How I could fix this issue ? Any additional setting is required ?

Best Answer

  • nick.zincone
    Answer ✓
    JET is expecting an appropriate "JET Container" which is available within Eikon. Although you don't explicitly state you are attempting to load your web page directly within Chrome, this is where I have seen this message. The Chrome browser is not a JET container which is why you are seeing this error.

    If you continue with the instructions, it will guide you to set up your own local HTTP server which you can use as the server from within Eikon. In the top left search bar within Eikon, simply reference your local server, eg: http://localhost:8080 and it will attempt to locate an 'index.html' within your server. This will allow your webpage to be properly loaded within a JET container.
