Eikon for Developers: Best architecture for connecting HTML5 App with '3rd party' database?

Hello. What would you recommend for creating an Eikon web app (HTML5+JET) which accesses a custom database? For development purposes I am using a local server (MS IIS), but the ideal solution would also be appropriate for ISP deployment and secure. What database? SQL Server, My SQL Server, Oracle, etc.? How to call it? Javascript, ASP, PHP, etc.? If anyone has code example then even better. Thanks. Tristan.


  • One approach would be to write web services that access your database. You would then call these web services from your JavaScript code. To simplify things, you'll probably want to use a JavaScript framework such as jQuery or AngularJS (
    https://angularjs.org/). Server side, you could use Eikon App Server (
    https://thehub.thomsonreuters.com/groups/ui-toolkit-application-server-team-resources) to host your web services. If C# is your language of choice, you'll probably want to use Eikon App Server with WebAPI, but Node.js and Java variants exist. Finally you'll need to host your database somewhere.
  • I was trying this approach, but any idea what it takes to open database for consumption from app server? Also note that there's no app server presence in eagan.
  • Whether or not you use app server, you'll need to implement web services that interact with your database. How you do that will depend on your chosen technology stack.