Eikon For Developers: Novakit.css reference guide?

Hello. Regarding HTML5 app development. Can anyone point me to some documentation for novakit.css. For example, I know to novify my 'input' control with class="nova-textbox", my 'button' control with class="nova-button", my 'body' with class="nova charcoal"... but where do I go from here? For my drop-down ('select' control) I took a stab with class="nova-select", but despite changing the appearance it doesn't look quite right. Is there a complete list available, along with guidance on when to use various elements? Thanks. Tristan

Best Answer

  • tristan.hale
    Answer ✓
    OK. I'll answer my own question! (o: In Eikon: Eikon Menu --> Internal --> Eikon Web UI.
