WC1: Entity fields

In the WC1 Entity object, I have a few questions regarding the different fields:

  1. Active vs Is Operational: what is the meaning of the "active" field? For the Vessel type, is it correlated in any way with the Is Operational present in the details list?
  2. In the Associate object (from the "associates" list), what does "reversed" stand for?
  3. what is "comments" for?
  4. "contacts" - are these possible for a Vessel entity?
  5. what is "deletionDate"?
  6. what is "description"
  7. files: what can we see here? Are there any files that can appear for a Vessel?
  8. images: are there any images for vessels?
  9. what is "updateCategory"? Is it relevant for Vessels?

Thank you!

Best Answer

  • Prabhjyot
    Answer ✓


    Apologies for the delay in response.

    Please find the details below -

    Active :Indicates the entity is active. (Vessel only)
    Is Operational :This field would be populated if the entity is not operational
    reversed :For Internal use only. To be ignored by the customers.
    comments :N/A
    contacts :N/A
    deletionDate :Indicates when the WC profile was deleted
    description :N/A
    files :N/A
    images :N/A.

    Side note : Under the weblinks attribute in the JSON response, PHOTO indicates the page represented by the uri contains images.
    updateCategory :For the category of update on the profile. Please find more information on the category here - https://world-check-one-pilot.accelus.com/1.446.2//js/fsp/help/assets/update-categorization-aug-2018.pdf

    Hope this helps.
