CPURL failures from external application

Below are two examples of getting error using CPURL (I have seen them work once in awhile in past but not at all today) 1 - Pull up income statement screen for a stock XOM.N INC -- works from Eikon toolbar cpurl://views.cp./Explorer/
EVzCORPxFUNDTALSzINCSTAT.aspx?s=XOM.N&st=RIC -- works from Eikon toolbar Below is error received from external application: Error when executing shell command 'cpurl://views.cp./Explorer/
EVzCORPxFUNDTALSzINCSTAT.aspx?s=XOM.N&st=RIC': Unknown error (0x80041002) 2 - Pull up Ratios - KEY METRICS screen for a stock XOM.N RAT - from Eikon toolbar works cpurl://views.cp./Explorer/
EVzCORPxFUNDTALSzRATIOzMETRICS.aspx?s=XOM.N&st=RIC works from Eikon toolbar Below is error received from external application: cpurl://views.cp./Explorer/
EVzCORPxFUNDTALSzINCSTAT.aspx?s=STL.OL&st=RIC': Unknown error (0x80041002) Both of these cpurl's work in Chrome fine


  • As far as I know, when using an external application you will have to transform the cpurl:// and also get the cookie for the session and attach it to your http request.

    So here's how it works (with examples in VBA):

    1. You need to get the base platform url using KobraConfigProvider - mConfigBaseUrl = mConfigProvider.getPropertyValue("RDE_______SSO__BASE_URL")

    2. You need to get the cookie url mConfigCookieUrl = mConfigProvider.getPropertyValue("RDE______SSO____COOKIE_URL")

    3. Get the cookie value using InternetGetCookieEx WinAPI function, it's called iPlanetDirectoryPro InternetGetCookieEx(mConfigCookieUrl, "iPlanetDirectoryPro", buffer, sz, 0, 0), where buffer is an empty string with the length of 256 chars

    4. Transform the url VBA.Replace(URL, "cpurl://views.cp.", VBA.Replace(mConfigBaseUrl, "gateway", "views"))

    If you need any additional info, please let me know.
  • I will look into what you suggested -- thanks I have many other URL's that do work and do not have to do cookie lookups, e.g.: Reuters://REALTIME/Verb=Headlines/ric="XOM.N" cpurl://views.cp./Explorer/
    TWEBxRVxPD.aspx ==> used to work without cookie anything